Christians and Profanity

Christians and Profanity

After a fight with her dad, a college-aged girl is at a party with friends where she falls in love with a bad boy who has a knack for loosely using profanity. She is conflicted over what she would tell her father about the relationship as he is strictly against it.

She can't bring herself to tell him the truth so she lies and tells him the teen is from a strict Christian family. Her father is relieved and tells her to keep seeing him as long as he doesn't swear, but her boy still does and she grows frustrated with this half-truth.

The Christian church has a lot of services going on all at once on Sunday. One church decides to hold a competitive swearing contest - one side of the church is the swears, and the other is a clean team. It's a close competition, but in the end, it's a tie. The pastor addresses the two sides, there are some mixed reactions from those on both sides of the church. In the end, she decides to merge both sides, as she argues that for those for whom profanity is natural and those who find it offensive, one side or another will always be uncomfortable.

As a child, I was unaware of the use of profanity. I only learned the words through friends and people in school. I grew up in an Evangelical Christian household where, on Sundays, it was unheard of to even think about cursing - much less to actually say one.

It seemed to work well though. People in my life were all good friends and almost impossible to offend. I never heard a harsher word than “crap” or “darn” until in college when a friend said a swear in a heated argument.

I was offended and let them know, but they didn't understand why. They thought I was being uptight when I felt that this obscenity was extremely offensive because it's an assault on God's name - which is what would always be said when someone cussed back then before the f-bomb erupted into our world time after time since the 80s.