The Importance of Resistance Training and Proper Nutrition

In the world of fitness, there is a prevailing belief that cardiovascular exercise is the key to losing weight and getting in shape. While cardio certainly has its place in any fitness routine, resistance training is equally, if not more, important. And when it comes to maximizing the benefits of resistance training, proper nutrition is essential.

The Benefits of Resistance Training

Resistance training, or strength training, involves using weights or resistance bands to work your muscles. This type of training offers a wide range of benefits, including:

Unfortunately, millions of people think they are in a good place if they only do cardiovascular training. They neglect resistance training and don't understand that they lose muscle mass in the process.

The Importance of Proper Nutrition

Resistance training and proper nutrition go hand in hand. In fact, nutrition is just as important, if not more so, than the actual training itself. When it comes to nutrition, there are three key macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Each of these macronutrients plays a critical role in building and maintaining muscle mass.


Carbohydrates provide the body with the energy it needs to complete workouts and recover afterward. Carbohydrates should make up 45-65% of your total daily caloric intake.


Protein is essential for building and repairing muscle tissue. It also helps to keep you feeling full, which can aid in weight loss efforts. Resistance trainers should aim for 1.6-2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.


Fat is important for hormone regulation and brain function. Good sources of fat include nuts, avocados, and olive oil. Fat should make up 20-35% of your total daily caloric intake.

Resistance Training Must Be Progressive

To get the most out of resistance training, it's important to remember that it must be progressive. This means gradually increasing the amount of weight you lift or the resistance you use over time. By doing so, you challenge your muscles, which helps to promote growth and strength.

The Neglect of Resistance Training in Promoting Diets

Unfortunately, diets are promoted worldwide on a daily basis by both professionals in the field of nutrition and those who are not professionals. However, many of these promotions neglect to emphasize the importance of resistance training. While some may mention the importance of exercise in general, they often fail to mention resistance training specifically. This may be because many people dislike resistance training or feel intimidated by it.

Bodybuilders and the Importance of Proper Nutrition

Bodybuilders, both those who compete on a high level and those who do it as a hobby, know more about nutrition than most people. Unfortunately, the word "bodybuilding" has a negative connotation for many people, who may feel jealous of the success and achievements of bodybuilders. However, the fact remains that resistance training and proper nutrition are the ultimate tools for achieving optimal health and fitness.

In conclusion, resistance training is a critical component of any fitness routine, and proper nutrition is essential to maximizing its benefits. By focusing on the right macronutrients and ensuring that resistance training is progressive, you can build muscle, boost metabolism, and improve overall health.

A robot animated bodybuilder with meat in his hand